Friday, July 18, 2008

Water For Gas

There is a website or should I say hundreds of sites that promote using water as fuel. Their singular proponent Mr. Ozzie Freedom, or Eyal Siman-Tov, is a member of Scientology with whom I would take exception concerning his system.

First you have a gasseous system, who puts gas in a glass jar? What happens if the tube is blocked? The glass shatters - great system! Who puts a glass car in a car engine? Come on at least use high density plastic but the problem is its not a household item.

Did you fail to notice how hokey the whole thing looks. I mean it looks terrible, like someone who wants your money, not to help you.

Did you notice how small the tube is leading into the airtake? Notice how large the original air intake is. This is because the original air inatke is made by real engineers who understand physics and know how much gas is required to combust with gasoline to produce real engine power.

You know what the real power behind Ozzie is? His ability to blanket the internet with articles, websites and Google ads. Did you fail to notice that all these hundreds of sites all go to the same web page to extract your money? Maybe that will change once he reads this but rest assured today they all drive to the same site. Why is all the hype about this thing ONLY found on pages where Mr. Ozzie can post his own bloat. Look at the sites, they are either his or all news articles that he has posted. If your product is so good why do you have SO many sites all promoting the same thing and leading to the same dry hole. I'll give him this, he is an amazingly hard worker. If he spent as much time actually building the system as he did advertising it, he might actually get it working!

Here is a good quote "magnetic force that helps splitting water " Go tell that to a scientist! For one, how much magnetic force is generated by a few widely separated coils on a 12 volt battery so far apart. Almost none. The effect on water? Zero. It takes electricity not magnetism to separate water.

I might be wrong on this but according to my calculations the ratio of gas to water during the process of electrolysis is 565:1 not 1833:1.

What about the line "Time is running out!" What time? Cars are always around. Driving is always around. If the solution was true it would always be aruond. I think the only time that is about to run out is Ozzie's!

Now what about "Let the IRS pay for it!" Are you a fool? Do you enjoy an IRS audit? How are you going to prove that your engine is actually alternative? How do you answer the IRS when they say "What is the main fuel you put in your engine?" Gaoline, oh and a cup of water! "Did you purchase a Hybrid?" No. Trust Ozzie and he will get you a free IRS tax audit.

Care for your engine? Ozzie doesn't. Here is a section from another blog about this:

"Using the hydrogen/oxygen gas mixture doesnt mean your cars engine will last longer, contrary to what many will have you believe. The combustion process of the burning Hho gas results in the conversion of HHo to H2O. This H2O can and does bypass the piston rings of the engine. The result is a mixing of oil and water to form a milky mess that can and does do major harm to the engine internal rotateing parts. The eventual end results are loss of lubrication and increasd friction and bearing failure. Also, rust can and does occur since every auto engine I have seen is made using steel. So dont expect to see any great life expectancy in your engine just because you are using water for fuel."

So all in all, if you want to waste your time, give Ozzie another hundred bucks (although you can get variations of the same thing for $79, $59 and $29 dependent on where you look) and rust your engine out - go for it. What do you have to lose?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

VS application crashes SQL Server

I was using the LumenWorks utility to import a text file into SQL the other day. LumenWorks is a free sourcecode tool over at CodeProject

I was running a bulk import using the csvreader as an input stream for a SQL bulk copy.

source.LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.CsvReader csvReader =
new LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.CsvReader(strm, true);
string[] Headers = csvReader.GetFieldHeaders();
PrepTable(Headers, ReportId, TableName, conn);
using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(conn))
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = TableName;
bulkCopy.BulkCopyTimeout = 60;
bulkCopy.BatchSize = 10000;

I was running the application in VS2008 but one of my fields was too short to accomodate the text, so the program errors on the bulkCopy.WriteToServer(csvReader) line and tells me it has a problem. All is fine but when I press stop to update the appropriate code SQL Server completely crashes dead with a 17052 error (Event Log said it cannot find the description for that error). I did this a few times and confirmed that is exactly what is happening. Not sure what would happen if I am running as an application rather than debugging in VS.

Solution - A simple try catch around the code fixed the problem. The first version was a rush job without a try catch. Somewhere in .net's management with a try - catch the crash is avoided which is a good thing.