Monday, August 31, 2009

Fixed C000021a BSOD

I am sure there are a myriad of reasons for the deadly C000021a BSOD. In my case I had installed the Exchange management tools in an attempt to update Active Directory Exchange information on my local machine. The install failed and when I rebooted a day or two later it blue screened. When I went to uninstall a KB patch to see if that would fix it, I saw Exchange was running on my machine. I left the patch installed, removed the partial installation and the BSOD was banished.

As always when something crashes ask yourself, "What changed." Answering that question is the shortest route to fixing confusing problems.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ItemsControl not showing items

This is simple but easy to forget.

To get data bound to WPF controls you frequently use its DataContext. That works for an ItemsControl but what you probably want is ItemSource instead of DataContext. ItemSource will display a collection whereas DataContext only gives you the first item.