Friday, October 30, 2009

Reconnect SQL user after restore

Have you ever restored a SQL database with a SQL login to a new server and not been able to use the SQL login. So you log into Management Console to create the login, which you can but when you try to give it rights to the database, it says "User, group, or role already exists in the current database."

There is a simple way to fix this. Create user in SQL, connect as sa or admin, select the database you just restored and execute

exec sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix', 'yourUserName'

You should see a message like.

The row for user 'yourUserAcct' will be fixed by updating its login link to a login already in existence.
The number of orphaned users fixed by updating users was 1.
The number of orphaned users fixed by adding new logins and then updating users was 0.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Correct way to Load a window in WPF

Here is the correct way to load a window in WPF. Notice the hooking the Loaded event in the constructor.

public MainWindow()
Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Window_Loaded);
//MyBigRoutine(); -- Don't do this.

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Call to MessageBox.Show in App() prevents StartupURI

Not sure what is going on here but a MessageBox.Show in the ctor of WPF's app.xaml.cs prevents the call to the startupURI object. Removed the call to Show and all is well.