Sunday, March 9, 2014

Trap and Win

My three year old boy loves to find me in the house, lie at my feet and yell "Trap!" I straddle him tightly and see if he can wriggle free. If he can't, he begins to cry but I've learnt it's as fake as whipped topping or rhinestone jewelry because the moment he gets free, he laughs and yells "Trap!" Now when he starts to cry, with fatherly encouragement I tell him "Fight! Come on, get free. You can do it!" He presses hard, I shout some more, he's not sure if he can win but he struggles to freedom - a sweeter victory than if I'd played easy. 

It's a fun game but I have a deeper purpose. It takes guts to win in life. The myriad forms of resistance cause us to either whine or dig deeper. I want him to win, so it's a simple game but I'm determined to teach my boy he can win in every circumstance, even when it seems impossible.

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